Infused Mushroom Meatloaf - Quêtes

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Infused Mushroom Meatloaf

Use your Meatloaf Pan to cook 4 Infused Mushrooms and 2 Chilled Meats and bring the finished Mushroom Meatloaf to Orton Bennet in Curiosities & Moore, located in Runeweaver Square in Dalaran.


Orton Bennet in Curiosities & Moore be needin' a mushroom meatloaf.

Get ya some infused mushrooms found in the Dalaran sewers, chilled meat, and cook 'em in the meatloaf pan. When ye be done, bring that meatloaf to Orton.

If only de council would let me serve me gnome specialty, I would show dem a real treat!


Is this food from Awilo? Can you promise me there isn't any gnome in it?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1300 experience.
  • 234 reputation with Kirin Tor
This quest starts at Dalaran

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