There's Always Time for Revenge - Quêtes

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There's Always Time for Revenge

Tracker Val'zij wants you to slay Gimorak inside Gimorak's Den.
Gimorak killed


I should manage for now, <name>. There is one favor I'd like to ask, though.

I would never had fallen to one of these worms, but my wind serpent, Heesha, was killed by the meanest worg I've seen in some time.

Don't worry about me now, I'll feel better when that worg is breathing no more. You should find him deeper in the cave.


I'm already feeling much better, mon. Not sure if it's the antidote or the news of that filthy worg getting what he deserved.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at The Storm Peaks

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