The Slithering Darkness - Quêtes

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The Slithering Darkness

Astrid Bjornrittar wants you to slay 8 Ravenous Jormungar in the Hibernal Cavern east of Brunnhildar Village.
Ravenous Jormungar (8) killed


The vile jormungar have taken over most of the Hibernal Cavern. They are despicable beings... children of Loken, Thorim's scumsucker of a brother.

As Thorim's servants we owe it to ourselves to kill these scum where we find them. You'll find the cavern just east of here, outside the village.


The Jormungar are vile creatures. You did well in destroying them.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 220500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at The Storm Peaks

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