Speak Orcish, Man! - Quêtes

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Speak Orcish, Man!

Speak with Moteha Windborn at the Grom'arsh Crash-Site.


Ruk MogOth red a mogoth ta eft Thros-garE Haldir.

Kha gor ruk khaz ta ke ruk hrim eft thros-am-kha ruk kost-um havar go kost.

A modoss hine ruk bergum eft thros-am-kha ga eft Haldir ke loch Thon we lo gefrunon ta mitta.

Gar Ruk dagUm loch angor-magi ta har ruk!


Bartok will not be happy that you didn't find Brann, but at least you didn't come back empty-handed. Now, let's see what we can do about this babbling dwarf.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at The Storm Peaks

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