Second Chances - Quêtes

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Second Chances

Kill Archbishop Landgren and then summon Arete's Gate in the presence of his corpse. Speak with Lord-Commander Arete inside The Crimson Cathedral once he's completed his questioning of the archbishop's spirit.


I'd heard they have an archbishop in their cathedral, but I had no idea that they'd resurrected and promoted Landgren! The Crimson Cathedral is heavily guarded with only one entrance, so you'll need help.

We still need to know where the grand admiral is, but this time we're not taking any chances!

Take this device. It can be used to summon a gate for me to step through once you've killed the archbishop.

I'll have my answers directly from his compelled soul! We will find Grand Admiral Westwind!


Hidden caves on the backside of the island. How very interesting.

Well, at least now I know where all of my missing spies are.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Icecrown

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