No Fly Zone - Quêtes

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No Fly Zone

Uzo Deathcaller at Death's Rise wants you to kill 10 Onslaught Gryphon Riders.


Now that you got your bone gryphon, I wantcha to take it back down there everyday and make a no fly zone over Onslaught Harbor.

I gotta admit, mon, I don't really care if you use the bone gryphon to kill them gryphon riders or not. But I'm guessin' that if you do, you'll find it much easier to get to 'em.

Besides, it's got lots of neat tricks you can use.


That's the spirit! And you know, I need this done everyday that we're here.

I hope you'll come back again tomorrow. Your bone gryphon will be waitin'.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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