Force of Nature - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 78
  • Required Level: 77
  • Difficulté : 77 81 84
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Pilot Vic
  • End: Avatar of Freya


Force of Nature

Travel to the Blight Line, between Rainspeaker Rapids and the Lost Lands in Sholazar Basin and seek the Avatar of Freya.


I'm not sure about what I saw while flying to the northeast, but to me it looked like a gigantic woman kicking some Scourge butt.

I'd heard the professor talk about a certain "lifewarden" appointed by the titans to look over Sholazar. I might not be a titan historian, but it sounds like she fits the bill.

I also know that if the Scourge cross the border between the Lost Lands and the rest of Sholazar, our expedition's as good as dead. What do you say you go look for her and lend a hand?


You are not of this land. But you also are not with the Scourge.

What should I make of you?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Sholazar Basin

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