Back Through the Waygate - Quêtes

Back Through the Waygate

Bring the Omega Rune to the Avatar of Freya at the Rainspeaker Rapids in Sholazar Basin.


You speak the truth, <race>. I can sense the very essence of Sholazar Basin begin to fray by the blight of undeath even as we speak.

I've bound my being into the rune, <race>. Deliver it to she who sent you here -- for only her power can grant me passage to her lands.


You've done well.

Woe unto our enemies. Woe unto those who serve the Lich King and threaten the titans' creations -- for the Etymidian is here.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 162000 experience.
This quest starts at Un'Goro Crater and ends at Sholazar Basin

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