The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges - Quêtes

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The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges

Deliver The Path of Redemption to Orbaz Bloodbane at the Scarlet Tavern in New Avalon.


Listen well, courier. The Scarlet lands are lost. New Avalon and Havenshire are overrun by Scourge. The specter of death looms overhead and threatens to overtake us at any moment.

Return to Galvar with this message:

"Turn your armies around and prepare your ships for travel to the frozen wastes. When next we meet it will be in Northrend."

Give this to Galvar.

It will explain everything.

The Scarlet Crusade is no more. Long live the Scarlet Onslaught!


What rubbish! This is the "Crimson Dawn?"

They sail to their deaths! Let us turn our focus to the encroaching armies.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 122500 experience.
This quest starts at Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave

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