Song of Reflection - Quêtes

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Song of Reflection

Soo-nee at Rainspeaker Canopy wants you to use the Didgeridoo of Contemplation at the top of the Glimmering Pillar, the Suntouched Pillar, the Mosslight Pillar and the Skyreach Pillar.


Of course you not as smart as gorloc! You just simple <race>.

You not without hope, though! You show you can learn. Maybe crystals make you smart like crystals make us smart!

I teach you to play song to clear your mind. You play song by crystals then crystals make your mind better... not as good as gorloc's but better than you have now. Lifeblood Pillar is broken, but other pillars still good!


You see? I can tell you smarter already. And if not smarter... then... happier!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Sholazar Basin

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