Death's Challenge - Quêtes

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Death's Challenge

Olrun the Battlecaller has ordered you to win 5 duels against other death knights.

You may choose to battle death knight initiates or players.


Born of the Lich King's victory over Illidan Stormrage in the heart of the frozen wastes, Death's Challenge is a rite of passage that all death knights must undergo.

Seek out other death knights of Acherus and challenge them to a duel. They must accept and fight until a victor emerges!

Go now, <name>! Victory for the Scourge! Glory to the Lich King!


To the victor goes the glory, death knight! Well done! The Lich King looks favorably upon you on this day.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 122500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave

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