Nowhere To Run And Nowhere To Hide - Quêtes

Nowhere To Run And Nowhere To Hide

Prince Keleseth at the Crypt of Remembrance has ordered you to kill Mayor Quimby and recover the New Avalon Registry.


Nothing less than total annihilation will suffice, <name>. To that end, a few hundred mindless ghouls assaulting the front gate of New Avalon will not do. We must infiltrate the inner sanctum and dispose of their officials. They must be shown that no one can escape the Scourge's grasp!

Make your way to the New Avalon Town Hall, southwest of here, and assassinate the mayor. Search the building for the New Avalon registry and bring it to me.


The registry will tell us many things about the Scarlet insects.

Death rates, births, but most importantly, movement.

Look here, <name>, they have already sent three vessels abroad. Let me see here... Where are they headed?

WHAT? This is impossible. They sail to Northrend!

Beside the coordinates are the words: "Crimson Dawn."
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 122500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave

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