The Will Of The Lich King - Quêtes

The Will Of The Lich King

Return to Death's Breach and report to Prince Valanar.


It is the will of the Lich King that drives us onward, <name>. None are more aware of this than death knights. Our very existence is intrinsically tied to his consciousness. Surely you have heard him speak to you - invading your thoughts...

Can you hear him now? Perhaps it is too early for you.

Yes, my lord. It will be done.

<name>, you are to return to Death's Breach and report to Prince Valanar. The Lich King commands it!


Havenshire is ours! A thousand corpses litter the ground, patiently awaiting rebirth. We strike now at our enemy with the awakened strength of the Scourge!

The ghouls have already begun their assault upon New Avalon. Our forces have moved in behind them and taken the Crypt of Remembrance.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8250 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave

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