Stinky's Escape - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 37
  • Required Level: 30
  • Difficulté : 30 33 35 40 44
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: "Stinky" Ignatz
  • End: Mebok Mizzyrix
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll

Stinky's Escape

Escort "Stinky" Ignatz, then speak with Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.


Great, finally something that doesn't want to eat me!!

I need help handling the critters around here, and you fit the mold, $gbuddy:lady;.

A goblin from Ratchet named Mebok Mizzyrix needs some bogbean leaves for a potion, or something... I honestly don't care why -- his money was good and I know this swamp, so here I am.

Too bad I got myself surrounded before I found the bogbean! Can you help me out of here, and watch my back as I look for Mebok's plant?


Stinky was here with the herbs I ask of him, and he told me you helped him out of a bind. Good work! A friend of Stinky's is a friend of mine!

He asked me to give you this if I ever saw you, right before he walked back south toward the marsh.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Dustwallow Marsh and ends at The Barrens

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