Grand Theft Palomino - Quêtes

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Grand Theft Palomino

Salanar the Horseman asks that you steal a horse from the Havenshire Stables and return it to him at Death's Breach.


How fortuitous it is that the Crusade has a stable full of horses a mere stone's throw from this post. Though they guard it tenaciously, an enterprising young death knight could break through their defenses and take what is rightfully $g his:hers;!

Once you acquire a horse from the Havenshire Stables, return it to me and I will see what can be done about transforming it into a proper deathcharger.

Remember, <name>, it's only stealing if you're caught. Watch out for that deranged stable master, Kitrik!


Now for the true test. Can you show mastery over an unbound charger and brutally overtake the thing that you desire most?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 122500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave

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