Suspicious Hoofprints - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 35
  • Required Level: 30
  • Difficulté : 30 33 38 43
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Suspicious Hoofprint
  • End: Krog
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll

Suspicious Hoofprints

Report about the suspicious prints at the Shady Rest Inn to Krog in Brackenwall Village.


Rows of hoofprints lead away from the still-smoking skeleton of the Shady Rest Inn. There are at least a few visible impressions, with more rows of prints almost imperceptible in the soft mud of the marsh.


Hoofprints... It could have been the quilboar, I suppose. Or maybe even the centaur. Their presence in the Barrens is not insignificant, and I would not think it a stretch to commit such an act.

Did I tell you? It wasn't just that the inn was burned down... The owner's woman and pup were killed. Bad business, that.

Nonetheless, I will send Kagoro to find where the tracks lead.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience.
This quest ends at Dustwallow Marsh

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