Hell Hath a Fury - Quêtes

Hell Hath a Fury

Quetz'lun's Spirit at the Altar of Quetz'lun wants you to use Quetz'lun's Hexxing Stick upon High Priest Mu'funu, High Priestess Tua-Tua, and High Priest Hawinni. Once you have done this, slay them.


It is now time for you to punish my three high priests: Mu'funu, Tua-Tua, and Hawinni. You'll find them spread around the altar grounds.

Take this hexxing stick. I've empowered it with my rage and indignation. I'm sure that it will prove potent.

Just use it and proceed to destroy them. The hex will take care of the rest.

Succeed and I may let you go. Fail and die.


They had it coming. And I'll give them more of the same again and again and again....


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 267500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Zul'Drak

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