The Taste Test - Quêtes

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The Taste Test

Offer a sample of Thunderbrew's Jungle Punch to Hemet Nesingwary, Hadrius Harlowe, and Tamara Wobblesprocket, then return to Grimbooze Thunderbrew at the Nesingwary Base Camp.


And now for the moment of truth!

I've always wanted to say that. Normally, I'd debut a new drink at a banquet, but we can't have one in the middle of the jungle.

Instead, just take samples to a few trusted friends and return with their comments. Let's see, we'll definitely want Hemet Nesingwary's opinion, and Hadrius Harlowe's, too. They're here in camp. You'll want to head over to Lakeside Landing, near the center of the Basin and offer Tamara Wobblesprocket a taste.


Two out of three drinkers agree, eh? Not bad for a first try. Not bad at all. I suppose I'll have to whip up something else for Tamara by way of apology.

Now... what should we call this creation?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 264500 experience.

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