To the Witch Doctor - Quêtes

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To the Witch Doctor

Speak with Witch Doctor Khufu at Zim'Torga.


We Zandalari could use your help, <name>. We must put an end to what the Drakkari are doing to their gods!

To the northeast, up the great steps that lead to the next tier of Zul'Drak, lies Zim'Torga. It is the home to another of the god statues and a refuge that my people are desparately attempting to defend.

I would like for you to travel there and speak to Witch Doctor Khufu. Be warned though, the place is under constant attack from the Drakkari.


Greetings to you, <class>. I am glad to hear that Ubungo found someone that he could trust.

Welcome to Zim'Torga.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 21500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Zul'Drak

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