Returned Sevenfold - Quêtes

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Returned Sevenfold

The Avatar of Freya wants you defeat Thalgran Blightbringer by using Freya's Ward to reflect his Deathbolts back to him sevenfold.


The agents of the Lich King have foolishly trespassed upon these lands where the power of life rules supreme. All harm they inflict will be returned to them sevenfold.

The monster directly responsible for corrupting the land is known as Thalgran Blightbringer; you will find him just to the north of here. Take this ward and use it to reflect the power of death upon him. Show the Scourge that the power of life prevails above all.


You continue to prove yourself, <name>. Perhaps I was too quick to judge you.

I had assumed you were here with the poachers who were recently stranded in my lands, but perhaps you're ready to put that behind you.
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 214000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Sholazar Basin

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