Clipping Their Wings - Quêtes

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Clipping Their Wings

Captain Arnath in Heb'Valok has asked you to collect 7 Unblemished Bat Wings from Zul'Drak Bats.


Ever since Finklestein's arrival, I've been relegated to collecting various ingredients for his experiments and recipes.

I'll follow my orders as I've vowed to do, but I'm a seasoned veteran. I've taken part in dozens of conflicts. I'd much rather be on the front lines, having a more direct impact on the Crusade's outcome here.

Help me, <race>. Collect some bat wings for me so that I might get back to the real action sooner.


Excellent work, <name>.

I thank you for your assistance.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Zul'Drak

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