Troll Patrol: Throwing Down - Quêtes

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Troll Patrol: Throwing Down

Captain Rupert at Drak'Sotra wants you to use High Impact Grenades near 5 Nethurbian Craters.



Just when it seemed we were getting things under control, they tunneled right underneath us and secured the shrine!

Now we're caught between two nethurbian armies and our predicament is worsening by the minute.

As our first course of action, we must stop them from reinforcing. Their tunnels must be sealed.

Take these grenades and throw them down their craters to the northwest.


We're not out of the woods by any means, but your efforts have helped to slow the enemy down.

Captain Grondel up in Drak'Agal will likely have need of you.

Farewell, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Zul'Drak

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