Dreadsaber Mastery: Ready to Pounce - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 76
  • Required Level: 76
  • Difficulté : 76 79 83
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Buck Cantwell
  • End: Buck Cantwell


Dreadsaber Mastery: Ready to Pounce

Bring Shango's Pelt to Buck Cantwell at the Nesingwary Base Camp.


Shango awaits, <name>. If you have succeeded in your tracking, he will not know that you stalk him, and you will need the advantage.

He is supposed to be bigger, stronger, and more ferocious than the other dreadsabers of the basin. Travel north, to the western shore of Bittertide Lake and near the falls that feed it, do battle with Shango. If you succeed, return with his pelt.


What an exquisite pelt from such a noble animal! It heartens me to see that the rumors about Shango were indeed true, <name>. Your pursuit of the creature has been flawless. You are a true huntsman.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 211500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Sholazar Basin

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