Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! - Quêtes

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Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving!

Sergeant Stackhammer at the Altar of Sseratus wants you to speak with 10 of his Argent Soldiers and tell them to report back to him.
Argent Soldier (10) killed


Look, $g lad : lass;, I'd love to just up and leave, but take a look out there. All of my people are fighting.

Tell you what, you've come this far, you think you're up to doing me a small favor? Head out there and round up my soldiers?

Tell 'em that the sergeant orders them to report back immediately. Lend them a hand if you will.


Alright then. We'll collect up the rest and head back to the stand.

It's a shame that we have to leave so soon. Doesn't quite feel like the job's done here, and quite frankly, I get the feeling that prophet in front of the altar is going to be big trouble!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Zul'Drak

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