The Return of the Crusade? - Quêtes

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The Return of the Crusade?

Commander Lynore Windstryke at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight wants you to kill 20 Scarlet Onslaught at the Onslaught Base Camp.


To the northeast of Wintergarde Keep is a newly built encampment, set up by the Scarlet Crusade - or rather - the Scarlet Onslaught as they now call themselves. While we are unsure as to why they are in Northrend, they are certainly no less dangerous than they were before. As of last night the Scarlet Onslaught has killed twelve of our soldiers. They must be taught a lesson, <name>.

Go to Onslaught Base Camp and thin them out.


Hopefully the message is now clear to the Onslaught. I hope it was enough of a beating to make them doubt their affiliations.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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