An End And A Beginning - Quêtes

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An End And A Beginning

Defeat Thel'zan the Duskbringer and report to High Commander Halford Wyrmbane at Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.


Every good story has a beginning and an ending, <name>. While your story is far from over, I'll be damned if it's not already turning out to be the stuff of legend! No matter what happens to us when this is all over, what you've done at Wintergarde will be a tale told for years to come.

Now, ally, when you are ready I will use the phylactery to coax Thel'zan out of hiding.

Should we somehow succeed, report the victory to High Commander Halford Wyrmbane at Wintergarde Keep.


Wintergarde is saved because of you, <name>. To think that one woman could so swiftly turn the tides of battle is hard for most to comprehend; yet here we are - victorious! You have managed to restore the faith of these people and earned the respect of your commanding officers.

Lord Fordragon has returned to Angrathar to prepare our forces for the destruction of the Wrathgate and has requested that you join him! I couldn't recommend a better soldier for the job, <name>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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