Mystery of the Infinite - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 75
  • Required Level: 72
  • Difficulté : 72 73 78 81
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Chromie
  • End: Chromie

Mystery of the Infinite

Chromie, at the top of Wyrmrest Temple, has asked you to travel to the Bronze Dragonshrine. Once inside, place the Hourglass of Eternity on the ground.

Protect the hourglass for as long as it lasts and then return to her with whatever information you gain.


A time storm at the Bronze Dragonshrine to the northeast is keeping immortals from entering.

The Infinite Dragonflight are in a fight inside with the defenders to wrest control of the dragonshrine. We must take this opportunity to gain information.

You are not immortal. You can cross into the dragonshrine and use the Hourglass of Eternity. Protect the hourglass for long enough and the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight should be revealed.

Be warned, the Infinite Dragonflight will try to stop you!


You saw Nozdormu? That doesn't make any sense.

Actually, that's great news! We had no idea of where or when the Lord of Time had gone to. We just knew that he had disappeared to deal with very important matters.

So, even though the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight wasn't revealed, you've discovered that Nozdormu is alive and well, and fighting back against them!

Thank you, <name>. I'll be seeing you soon!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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