Plunderbeard Must Be Found! - Quêtes

Plunderbeard Must Be Found!

Ambo Cash at the Wintergarde Mausoleum in Dragonblight wants you to find Plunderbeard.


There's been talk of a tunnel dug by Scourge that connects the embalming chambers of the mausoleum with the large crypts, now unearthed by Thel'zan and his minions. I recently sent my best rogue, Plunderbeard, in search of answers, but have yet to hear back from him. If I were a betting man I'd wager that he's a goner.

I want you to go down those steps and head straight through the embalming chamber and look for Plunderbeard. Dead or alive, he'll have answers.


Entry One:

They drag corpses through the tunnel to the embalming room for experimentation. There is an endless supply in this mausoleum. Whatever cannot be reanimated is turned into a bone construct of one kind or another.

Entry Two:

I fear that this lich, Thel'zan, hides a dark secret. Who is he? Was he once... one of us?

Entry Three: I have discovered the location of the lich's phylactery. It is...

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Dragonblight

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