Seeking Solvent - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 74
  • Required Level: 73
  • Difficulté : 73 77 80
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Barblefink
  • End: Barblefink

Seeking Solvent

Barblefink at the Alliance base in Venture Bay wants you to bring him a canister of Element 115.


Gah! Not again. Another blown gasket....

Every time one of these goes, lubricant gums up all of the gears. Without solvent, it takes hours to clean.

Tell ya what, <race>. There's some fancy rocket fuel on the Venture Company barge in the dock there - element 115 I think they call it. That stuff makes for a great solvent.

Get me one of those and I'll make it worth your trouble.


Ahh yes. That'll save me hours.

Take this for your trouble, friend. And keep an eye out for more element 115. I'll take all you can find.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 207500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Grizzly Hills

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