Crush Captain Brightwater! - Quêtes

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Crush Captain Brightwater!

Slay Captain Brightwater and report to General Khazgar at Venture Bay.


With every advance, our men are met by fresh Alliance reinforcements. It's almost as though their commander anticipates my every move!

The time has come for good Captain Brightwater to meet his end. He commands his troops from aboard an Alliance destroyer at the far end of the bay.

This will be no easy fight, <name>. Take along a couple of trusted friends, or if you have a key to one of those repaired shredders, use it to disembowel Brightwater! Either way, he must fall!


You are a true soldier of the Horde, <name>. Your bravery will inspire my men to victory!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 207500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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