The Noble's Crypt - Quêtes

The Noble's Crypt

Cavalier Durkon at Wintergarde Keep wants you to slay Necrolord Amarion.


Held within the cold stone walls of this crypt are the remains of the nobles and dignitaries that died in Northrend. At its very core now sits a necrolord who raises the corpses as servants of the Scourge.

You must make your way to the bottom of the Wintergarde Crypt and kill Necrolord Amarion. Only then will the assault from within cease!

And <name>, be on the lookout for any information that might be laying about inside the room where Amarion resides.


Now if we could stop the Scourge attacks coming from outside the keep we might be able to send help to Lord Fordragon at the Wrathgate.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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