Find Durkon! - Quêtes

Find Durkon!

Seek out Cavalier Durkon at the Wintergarde Crypt in Dragonblight.


After the Scourge breached the south wall, I ordered Cavalier Durkon to investigate the town crypt. Moments ago I was handed his report.

The undead that plague us are coming from two sources: the ruins of Wintergarde, now a breeding ground for Scourge, and our very own town crypt! Amidst the chaos and confusion the Scourge managed to get a necrolord inside the crypt.

In his message, Durkon requested assistance. You will find him and help him, <name>. The crypt is on the western border of the town square.


Oh brother, it's a mess down there! I barely made it out last time - which is what prompted my request to the High Commander.

You got that crazy look in your eyes, <race>. Thankfully, you're gonna need to be crazy to do what I'm about to ask of you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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