Brew of the Month Club - Quêtes

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Brew of the Month Club

Bring the "Brew of the Month" club membership form to Ray'ma in the Darkbriar Lodge in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits.


There is strength in numbers, <name>. Being part of the "Brew of the Month" club means knowing you and your brethren will always have access to the best brew.

Bring your "Brew of the Month" club membership form to Ray'ma in the Darkbriar Lodge in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits.


So you be joinin' our ranks, <name>? We treat ya nice here. You only get the best when you part of dis club!

We be sendin' out brew to you at da start of every month. If you like what you got, and you be wantin' more, head back over here. We make sure you get more of da brew you like.

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