The Forgotten Tale - Quêtes

The Forgotten Tale

Orik Trueheart at Dawn's Reach in Dragonblight wants you to hear the tales of a Forgotten Peasant, Forgotten Rifleman, Forgotten Knight and Forgotten Footman.


The toxins in the murkweed elixir will render you unconscious. So powerful is the effect of the murkweed that even your spirit will be fooled, allowing you to temporarily enter the world of the dead.

Once a spirit, you must speak to the ghostly denizens of the Forgotten Shore. Seek out the cause of their anguish and return to me.

Remember, <name>, these spirits were once Alliance soldiers. Treat them with respect, honor and dignity.

Now, with elixir in hand, venture south to the Forgotten Shore.


They don't know. None of them know! They think Arthas to be some great hero, when in truth it was Arthas who ordered the ships to be burned. It was Arthas who left us all for dead in this frozen wasteland!

Not all of the soldiers from the Prince's fleet perished in the freezing winter. I was only a lad when I was given the chance to battle the Scourge... to save our home from certain destruction. I took that chance, <name>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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