Orik Trueheart and the Forgotten Shore - Quêtes

Orik Trueheart and the Forgotten Shore

Seek out the assistance of Orik Trueheart at Dawn's Reach in Dragonblight.


I have gazed upon the orb and seen the path that you must walk, <name>.

Many years ago an atrocity was committed upon the shores of Dragonblight. The act itself remains shrouded in darkness, but I am certain that your destiny lies south, amidst the ruins of the Forgotten Shore.

Take the road southeast through the ravaged town square. Follow the trail until you arrive at Dawn's Reach. You will meet an old friend of mine there known as Orik Trueheart. He will be expecting you.


Zelig sent word, friend. We have been expecting you.

I am Orik Trueheart, paladin of the Argent Crusade. The priestess standing across the campfire from me is Tilda Darathan. We are here on behalf of the Argent Crusade - sent to quell the unfortunate damned souls attempting to escape Wintergarde.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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