The Search for Slinkin - Quêtes

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The Search for Slinkin

Find Slinkin the Demo-gnome in Wintergarde Mine. Use Quarterflash's Homing Bot if you need help finding the mine.


While I have not heard from Slinkin or know what fate has befallen him, perhaps I can assist in finding him.

This is not a toy, newfound compatriot. It is, in fact, my latest mechanical creation. The machine was created with the sole purpose of finding that which has been lost. These are unfortunate circumstances, but the machine is your best chance at finding Slinkin.

When you are ready to begin your search, place the bot on the ground next to me.


Chased into a dead end. Hidden for now, but they know I'm here. It won't be long until they find me.

The miners work tirelessly to unearth the strange ore that fuels the Scourge war machines. There is much banter. The language of death confounds me, but I have been able to identify commonly uttered sounds and phrases. The word "Yogg-Saron" is said with great contempt and is usually followed by loud outbursts. They refer to the ore as "saronite." Meaning?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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