No Place to Run - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 74
  • Required Level: 72
  • Difficulté : 72 77 80
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Serinar
  • End: Serinar


No Place to Run

Place a Destructive Ward at the end of the path leading out of Obsidian Dragonshrine, where the road starts to give way to snow. Protect the ward until it is fully charged, then return to Serinar.


They're drawing power from the bones of my dead brothers...

I have no love for the cult, but I'm baffled by their audacity. There will be no mercy shown for them... not that I ever would have anyway.

Ensure that they have no place to flee when the slaughter starts. Place a destructive ward at the end of the path leading out of the shrine... where the road starts to give way to snow. Defend it until it is fully charged.


Excellent. When they begin to flee in fear, the ward shall be there to wish them a fond farewell.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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