Without a Prayer - Quêtes

Without a Prayer

Agent Skully at New Hearthglen has asked you to acquire Bishop Street's Prayer Book.


These plans indicate something imminent is being planned.

But first, there's the matter of this strange protection that the Onslaught forces have. If Venomspite is to deal with them once and for all, we must find out who's behind it and eliminate them.

I've noticed that the bishop in the chapel on the far side of New Hearthglen, across from the lumbermill, has stepped up his blessing of the troops. Kill him and steal his prayer book.

Maybe it will give us a clue.


A newly scribed blessing at the back of the book you say?

Damn it all! That's the high abbot's handwriting! I'd stake your life on it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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