Thinning the Ranks - Quêtes

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Thinning the Ranks

Kill 12 Dragonflayer Huscarls and return to Woodsman Drake at Amberpine Lodge.
Dragonflayer Huscarl (12) killed


There's a flurry of activity down in Voldrune village to the south. Thane Torvald Eriksson and his huscarls are preparing for war. With most of our men in the field dealing with the Horde's treachery, Amberpine will be vulnerable.

Travel to Voldrune, which is near the southern coast, and show those Dragonflayers we're no soft target.

Slay as many of the huscarls as you can find. Make them think twice about taking advantage of our conflict with the Horde.


Well done, <name>. Now, we must follow through and press the advantage.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Grizzly Hills

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