The Forsaken Blight - Quêtes

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The Forsaken Blight

Deliver The Forsaken Blight to Doctor Sintar Malefious at Agmar's Hammer.


I have prepared a package that must be delivered to Doctor Sintar Malefious at Agmar's Hammer. The contents of the package include the final blight specimen along with instructions on preparation and samples of the reactive agent.

You will find Agmar's Hammer in western Dragonblight. Just look for the black, jagged metal orc buildings - that will be Agmar's Hammer.


Glorious! Exactly to specifications!

Here is your payment, <name>. Keep what you've seen and done to yourself. This work is all classified - information is given out on a need to know basis.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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