Blighted Last Rites - Quêtes

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Blighted Last Rites

Apothecary Vicky Levine at Venomspite has asked you to test the Flask of Blight upon the Scarlet Onslaught Prisoner.


Have you read the wanted poster? What is the high executor thinking?!

We can't very well have those Scarlet Onslaught idiots being raised by their priests, or worse, rising as the Scourge, now can we?

No, I'm in total agreement with you, we have to do something about the corpses.

I have just the thing. Take this blight that we just created and test it on the prisoner in the cage right here.

No muss, no fuss, no returning enemies.


WHAT?! That's impossible! We've perfected the blight. It has a one-hundred percent lethality.

This is just really odd. Hand me that flask, <class>. I'm not going to be known as the apothecary that ruined everything!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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