Wanted: The Scarlet Onslaught - Quêtes

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  • Level: 72
  • Required Level: 71
  • Difficulté : 71 75 78
  • Faction: Horde
  • End: High Executor Wroth

Wanted: The Scarlet Onslaught

Kill 20 members of the Scarlet Onslaught and report to High Executor Wroth at Venomspite.
Onslaught Footman (20) killed


By order of High Executor Wroth all members of the illegal organization known as the Scarlet Onslaught are to be put to death immediately.

No quarter is to be offered, and those proceeding to action upon this decree should be aware that any who are captured by the humans will be left to die, or worse!

In the High Executor's words, "Paint the snow red with their blood!"


Very well done, <race>. I trust that you were cleverly vicious in your slaying?

Let's see, how much I can offer you from the coffins... er, excuse me, coffers?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Dragonblight

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