A Name from the Past - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

A Name from the Past

Return to Captain Gryan Stoutmantle at the Westfall Brigade Encampment.


It worked! It worked! My comrades can finally enjoy their well-earned rest...

I'll stay here and finish the job. We Hollowstone miners always finish the job -- we never give up!

That's why Arugal made an example of us. We wouldn't fall in line, you see? We wouldn't join his wolfcult!


Curse our luck. We find the one functioning mine this side of the hills and it's full of Scourge.

No offense, friend. But that survivor you found sounds like he's been a little traumatized due to losing his friends. Arugal's been dead for years... I even saw his grave once.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 52500 experience.
This quest ends at Grizzly Hills

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