All Hail Roanauk! - Quêtes

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All Hail Roanauk!

Seek out Roanauk Icemist at Agmar's Hammer and initiate him as a member and leader of the Horde forces.

Return to Overlord Agmar with the Blood Oath of the Horde when you complete this task.


Like the tauren, Forsaken, trolls and blood elves, so too do the taunka need a leader born of their own blood. The one you saved from Icemist, Roanauk, will be this leader.

I give to you something familiar - the blood oath of the Horde.

Take the oath to Roanauk Icemist and initiate him into the Horde as leader of the taunka.

Let us not keep him waiting.


With the aid of such a powerful shaman, we are sure to be victorious at the Wrathgate!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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