The Power to Destroy - Quêtes

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The Power to Destroy

Koltira Deathweaver at Agmar's Hammer in the Dragonblight wants you to enter the world of shadows and defeat 6 Shadowy Tormentors.

Speak to Koltira Deathweaver should you need to re-enter the world of shadows.
Shadowy Tormentor (6) killed


While you have done much for me, one task remains.

Beside the world you know exists another world. It is from that world, the world of shadows, that my tormentors assault me. While I am powerless to face my own demons, you could end their reign of terror. You have the strength, I have seen it with my own eyes.

Enter the world of shadows and face the demons that torment me!

Do this and I will translate the tome, as promised.


The power I hold comes at a great cost, <name>. Many knights, light and dark alike, lost their lives in the final battle at Light's Hope. The prospect of the future looks grim, but at least now I know what I face. The Lich King will never release his grasp and for that alone he must die!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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