Informing the Queen - Quêtes

Informing the Queen

Deliver your Letter of Introduction to Wyrmrest Temple to Alexstrasza the Life-Binder at Wyrmrest Temple.


Yes... yes, I think that you are ready to see the queen now.

When you are ready, speak to me again and I will see to it that one of these drakes delivers you safely to the top of the temple. You will need to present your letter in person to Queen Alexstrasza.


You are very courageous to bring us this information. I was beginning to wonder why the blue dragonflight had so boldly initiated an attack upon the temple itself. Now we know that they are using enormous amounts of the very magic they view as such a threat to Azeroth.

Hypocritical, but so be it. If Malygos will not come to his senses, we have no choice but to take action in response to their assault.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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