Projections and Plans - Quêtes

Projections and Plans

Get close to and observe the projection atop the Surge Needle floating above Moonrest Gardens.

Afterward, return to the Image of Archmage Modera at Stars' Rest with the information.


This is a teleportation device. If I had to guess, I'd say that it leads to the surge needle platform floating above the Moonrest Gardens to the west.

I need you to use it to investigate what's up there. It appears that the device works both ways so you shouldn't have to jump off.

I expect that once you teleport to the top of the surge needle, there will be some sort of apparatus on it to observe.

You should be able to use the teleporter from anywhere within the gardens.


What you're describing... that's a projection of the Arcanomicon!

The Arcanomicon is a map of all of the magical ley line intersections in the world. The blue dragonflight has been using it to find and destroy ley line 'anchors' to send the magical power back to the Nexus.

The question is, why is the path of destruction leading east when it should be heading west instead?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 203000 experience.
  • 390 reputation with Kirin Tor
The entirety of this quest happens at Dragonblight

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