Conversing With the Depths - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 72
  • Required Level: 71
  • Difficulté : 71 75 78
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • End: Toalu'u the Mystic


Conversing With the Depths

Commune with The Pearl of the Depths and do as the sea-goddess Oacha'noa instructs.

Should you survive the ordeal, return to Toalu'u the Mystic at Moa'ki Harbor.


The watery goddess, Oacha'noa, must be consulted; only she will know what the destiny of the Kalu'ak is to be. And only The Pearl of the Depths can call her forth from the murky nether.

Off the coast to the southwest rises The Briny Pinnacle. Atop it sits the altar upon which the pearl rests.

Commune at the altar and Oacha'noa is certain to hear your call. Do as she says lest you incur her wrath and bring ruin upon all of the tuskarr.

Should you survive, return to the mystic.


You spoke with Oacha'noa?!

If it is her will that we stand with your people then so be it. Elder Ko'nani will accept this as our destiny, for weal or woe.

My people believe that all souls are one with the magic of the world. We must oppose the blue dragon attempts to controI the magic or we are all doomed!

I never thought that a <race> would be the champion of the Kalu'ak, but you have proven me wrong. On behalf of my people, I give you thanks, <name>.

May the gods smile upon you and keep you safe.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Dragonblight

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