The Runic Prophecies - Quêtes

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The Runic Prophecies

Torthen Deepdig at the Westfall Brigade Encampment wants you to decipher the three Rune Plates.


We've no time to lose! Now that we've reassembled the runic keystone -- well, most of it -- we can decipher the contents of those very same runic plates Brann was working on before he fled.

We have no way of knowing if he managed to read the contents of all three plates, but we'll have to assume he got enough information to determine his next destination.

Stand before each of the plates and use the keystone to determine the contents of each. Brann may be counting on us!


By Madoran's hammer, he's discovered a whole new titan city!

'The cradle of stone and iron.'

'Ulduar nestled in the storm.'

What d'you suppose that means? Could it be where we come from, after all these years?

We have to follow him! We have to find him!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 209500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Grizzly Hills

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