In Search of Thaelrid - Quêtes

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In Search of Thaelrid

Seek out Argent Guard Thaelrid in Blackfathom Deeps.


Many rumors circulate these days about the union of the Twilight's Hammer and the naga in Blackfathom Deeps on the coasts of Ashenvale.

My role here with the Argent Dawn is to collect as much information as I can, so we know when and where help is needed.

It has been weeks now since I sent a scout to check on the activity at Blackfathom Deeps. Argent Guard Thaelrid has not yet reported back.

My other scouts are preoccupied with pressing matters.

Seek out and aid Thaelrid for me, <name>.


Dawnwatcher Shaedlass was good to send you. There is indeed a wicked plot underway in this corrupted place.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Teldrassil

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